MM10 Completing & Blessing Your Own Mandala

Completing & Blessing your Mandala

Now you are ready to complete your mandala. You have already:
1. Traced the geometric grid and symmetry structure you want as a background.
2. Filled in the colors, symbols, free hand designs, connections, images, even words or icons that you were called to creatively add…

The next step is to ask within yourself if you are complete. Usually there comes a moment, in the mandala making process, when suddenly arises this feeling: “Oh, I feel that I am done!” Watch for that moment of completion and double-check that you have not forgotten something important… or neglected to erase a pencil line you don’t really want to show…

The best way to check your newly born mandala is to go away for a few minutes, do something else (breathe deeply, stretch, exercise or drink a healthy tea…) and then come back to your “baby” and look at it again with a fresh perception: turn it around, play with it, look at it very close and then from a distance…

When you are satisfied that your mandala is indeed completed, it is time for a Blessing ceremony. You are like a mother who has just delivered her first child: there are special emotions to honor and a certain ritual of showing the baby to the family… Similarly, it is important to create some sacredness around in and your mandala. Just like you have been transformed by the mandala making process, the mandala in turn has to be infused with life force and spirit power.

The purpose of the Blessing ceremony is to invite spiritual power to descend into your mandala so that it becomes a live, radiant, multi-dimensional recipient of cosmic consciousness rather than a mere flat design. You want your mandala to be imbued with spirit Presence and serve you as a bridge to Spirit.

The Blessing of your mandala is an essential step of completion in mandala making because it changes the nature of the diagram. It consecrate the mandala which then becomes “sacred art” or a means of contact between you and the cosmos.

Here are some suggestions:

• You might want to just create your own form of celebration: hold your mandala to your heart, raise it as an offering to the sky, embrace it in your arms and dance around… Maybe you clearly hear a name for it or already know in your heart how to call it. Maybe you will enjoy singing to it a song of welcome and love…

• You might feel like to say “Thank You” to your mandala, and therefore Thank You to yourself as a practice of gratitude and congratulation for having accomplished a unique creative job.

• In your own inner way, call upon the friends you have on spirit levels: your guides, angels, teachers, ancestors…and ask their help & support to bless your mandala.

• You can use your hands over the mandala to activate it with life force and to bring healing energies into it. Rub your hands together until you feel them becoming hot or hold them apart until you feel a build-up of energy in between… and then place them upon the mandala.

• You can also use you breath to breathe life force into your mandala until you feel it permeates the mandala  and you feel it responds with a gentle pulse.

• Remember your initial intention when you started  your mandala. Maybe it was days ago or just one hour ago, it does not matter: when you were preparing for your mandala making, you had a purpose, you formulated it and wrote it down. Pick up that piece of paper and reread it aloud. See and feel it embodied in your mandala. That intention will be your connecting keyword: it may evolve and expand but it will serve as a common ground.


Whichever way you choose to bless your mandala, remember your initial intention when you started your mandala (when you were pregnant with a universal creative spark). Maybe it was days ago or just one hour ago, it does not matter: when you were preparing for your mandala making, you had a purpose, you formulated it and wrote it down. Pick up that piece of paper and reread it aloud. See it and feel it embodied in your mandala. That intention will be your connecting frequency: it may evolve and expand but it will serve as the golden thread carrying sacred presence.